On 7 Jun 99, at 7:19, John Caldeira wrote:

> What is good way to kill africanized bees in a hive while leaving the
> combs in usable condition?  Someone recommended burning sulfur powder
> inside the hive, but how is this done?

Please, please don't use sulphur. The damage to your lungs doesn't bear
thinking about. Sulphur damage is the reason Canada is forcing the oil
companies to remove sulphur from gasoline by 2003.
        A far better way, take a regular garden pressure spray, make up a
'STRONG' soapy water mix (washing up liquid) pump up the pressure and let
'em have it. We did it last year on a really bad hive, works a treat.
        To clean out the resulting mess, keep adding clear water to the sprayer
and clean off the soap. If you don't there is a danger the incoming bees
would be damaged by the residual soap left on frames and hive parts.

The Bee Works, 9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,
Orillia, Ontario, Canada.L3V 6H1.
Phone (705)326 7171 Fax (705)325 3461
David Eyre, Owner
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