Hello all.
And to Mr. Allen Dick, and Mr. P-O  Gustafsson
This is in reply to the Q&A posts on canola and the loss of queens.
My daughter has worked for a health food store for some time in the past
and I have gotten quite a few books on toxic substances and products
laying around. I rembered rape  and canola or canada being discussed and
some of the properties of its industrial oil.
This is not my work, I'll be up front with that, these are exerpts from
the research done by John Thomas on aging and the metabolic process
involved. The rape plant was the origination  from which canola was
genetically engeneered. Canola containes a cynanide compound called,
iso-thio-cyanates, this compound inhibits functions in the body of
mitochondrial production of ATP. Canola is also rich in glycosides, these
compounds inhibit muscle enzymes from working causing paralysis.   And
last but not least is   Erucic acid  which is still being researched.

Someone with a medical background may know where to follow up and find
more information linking these things to the nectar and or pollen of the
canola. It might be interesting to find out if it has a natural birth
control effect on the queens,  or if the enzymes used to process the
queens food become toxic.

This is just food for thought.
Thank you and good luck
Al Boehm
Columbus N C

Someone who has more  medical background