My husband, the beekeeper, is away on business for the week. While he was
gone I went out to check on our hive. I found the upper super with bees
drawing out comb, but when I removed the super to check the top brood,
there were about three clumps of propolis covered magot-like creatures. The
bees were all over them and evidently trying to get rid of them. They are
completely white about 3/4 to 1 inch long and about a 1/4 inch thick. The
clusters were on top of the bars. I was unable to get to the frames that
they were sitting on. I guess I chickened out after being stung twice. I
thought I had better wait for the beekeeper to return! Can anyone identify
these pests? I looked in Root's ABC book, but they didn't seem to fit the
description of any of the wax moth larvae.

Thank you, Lois Rich