MSGID: 240:244/116 5805ddad
 REPLY: 240:44/0 cc015c75
 PID: FDAPX/w 1.12a UnReg(568)
Hello Sid,
Firstly I should like to know for a fact whether there is any of six strains of
KV in New Zealand?
Dr Bailey isolated KV from Apis cerana, it is mentioned in his book!! Later he
found some in Apis mellifera bees from Australia. Since then imports from Ossie
stopped. The New Zealanders have strict import laws so I do not see why they
might have acquired bees with KV unless they did not have either the facility
or knowledge to isolate the Virus.  The place to go for certain information is
right here in the UK, Rothampstead to Dr. Brenda Ball no less,
 See you might have to search on from there
or look at the staff email list and send an email enquiry.
There have been reports on this list that KV has been imported into Spain but
again rumors and hard facts are not bedfellows.  Nick Wallingford must have
some knowledge on this subject, what do you say Nick??
Regards from the Garden of England
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 * Origin: Kent Beekeeper Beenet Point (240:244/116)