Stefan Stangaciu wrote:
>     Refined sugar has NOTHING from the above mentioned elements my dear
> friends... and it is a "foreign" substance (a "non-self" if you want)
> from the evolution point of view.
For that matter, neither are Langstroth hive boxes natural to bees,
or frames designed to cause the bees to draw comb on straight
foundations. Neither is having the boxes reversed from time to time
to force the queen to use areas of the hive the beekeeper wishes
her to use. Neither is having the top of the hive opened every
now and then, permitting smoke and light to flood in.
The object of our endeavor is not to reproduce natural conditions
in our apiaries. It is to manage the bees for maximum production
of brood and byproducts of the hive. What advantage, other than an
aesthetic one, is there to maintaing bees in Natural Conditions?
If they exist in natural conditions, they are not Kept, nor even
Had, but simply allowed.
Susan Nielsen                   | Beehive: If you build it,
[log in to unmask]            | they will comb.