true, the articles in the abj 10/98 say nothing about preserving
woodenware by dipping in paraffin...however, on the question of
temperature and afb they are
quite clear:
" temperatures below 150oC results obtained on disinfecting are not
satisfactory..."and"...there was absolutely no P.larvae growth detected,
that paraffin at 160oC [for 10 minutes] is an effective way of
eliminating afb spores
in contaminated hive parts..."
it may be of interest to note the authors mention that vegetable oils,
such as
linseed oil, can be used in florida(usa), pine resin
(rosin?) is added
to the paraffin dip, perhaps for enhancing wood preserving purposes?
regardless, dipping must be repeated after several years of use,
presumably with the added benefit of re-disinfection.
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