Greetings fellow Beekeepers,
     This has been my first year  as a beekeeper.  It has been
fascinating and satisfying.  I am eagerly looking forward to next year.
     My question is this.  I live in the metro St. Louis area.  Most
flows are over, and temps are cooling.  I got into my 4 hives this
evening.  One hive still had some eggs and brood.  The 3 others showed
no eggs, and no brood.  I thought the queens slowed down laying this
time of year, but am concerned about finding no eggs or brood in the
other 3 hives. I didnt have time to go queen searching, but all hives
were queenright 2 weeks ago.  Do the queens quit laying completely?
Thanks for any light you are able to shed on this matter
Scott Moser
Moser's Apiary
Cedar Hill, MO.
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