I just removed a feral colony of bees yesterday and brought them home last
night.  I knew they need to be fed, so I made up some sugar syrup (1:1) last
night and added a little apple cider vinegar (because of the posts I read it
sounded like a good idea) to keep mold from growing as well as to act as a
tonic for the bees.  It just seemed like a good thing to try.  While thinking
of this and daydreaming a little bit while cogitating on thymol, menthol and
essential oils, etc., I wondered what it would hurt or help to just brew up
some mint tea from spearmint or peppermint and dissolve my sugar in that and
feed to the bees.  Has anyone done that?  What were the results?  It seems to
me like it shouldn't hurt them at all and might even help them.  Any thoughts?
Layne Westover
College Station, Texas