On Wed, 23 Sep 1998 15:16:39 EDT Victoria McDonough <[log in to unmask]>
>..........  What are the dangers with eating comb
>honey?  (When I was little my mother always bought
>chunk honey form a local beekeeper and we really enjoyed it.
>We did however live way out in the country).
>Green Harbor, MA
IMHO... the dangers are less than breathing that nice polluted
air that we get here on the east coast blowing in from
the industrial midwest. [ No offense to you midwesterners
is intended :-) ]
Or, from the veggies that we are being warned about coming in
from outside the USA.
Or, from the lobsters that grow in the sewage/pollution being
pumped out from Boston Harbor, etc. That Deer Island Plant isn't
producing anything I would care to drink :-(
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