Hi Layne/All
Another thing about soap is it reduces the characterisitc high
surface tension of water. As a result the water, like substances with
lower surface tension is able to fill the bees breathing apparatus
and it dies. When these soap compounds get into the breathing system
it would wreak havoc for the reasons Layne mentioned. (mainly cell
wall disruption)
Other things with low surface tension are chemicals like alcohol,
benzene, petrol and so on.
Keep well
Garth Cambray           Camdini Apiaries
Grahamstown             Apis mellifera capensis
Eastern Cape Prov.
South Africa
Time = Honey
After careful consideration, I have decided that if I am ever a V.I.P
the I. may not stand for important.
(rather influential, ignorant, idiotic, intelectual, illadvised etc)