-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Krengel <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, 14 September 1998 1:02
Subject: Re: Pierco
>One interesting possibility - I found that the hive in which I cut
>communication holes in the Pierco seemed to be drawn better than the
Hi Larry
Have heard a similar comment from another beekeeper concerning plastic
frames, but they were not peirco. I have ordered some peirco foundation to
use in frames with grooved top and bottom bars. Am planning to cut a
triangular piece out of each corner. *Where in the frame did you cut the
communication holes and how big?
*Has anyone compared the difference between the bees acceptance of black and
white peirco foundation?
thanks in advance, Frank.
Frank Farrell
Darwin NT
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