Hi Mathew and All
Just a quick query - you mentioned you had a queen in a hive and
still had laying worker like symptoms with lots of eggs per cell.
The questions here are: 1) where are you (geographically)
2) are the eggs drone or worker
The reasons I ask this is that there is a small possibility that a
certain number of cape honeybees have been introduced into the
americas and this symptom you describe is often evident in hives
affected by cape laying workers.
Keep well
Garth Cambray           Camdini Apiaries
Grahamstown             Apis mellifera capensis
Eastern Cape Prov.
South Africa
Time = Honey
After careful consideration, I have decided that if I am ever a V.I.P
the I. may not stand for important.
(rather influential, ignorant, idiotic, intelectual, illadvised etc)