Hi All
Recently I recieved a catalogue in the post with lots of
household/junkmail type products. However inside there were also a
few interesting ones.
One was an Australian patented pest repellor, that plugs directly
into the wall socket. It then uses electricity from the socket to
send a low frequency electromagnetic pulse through the house wiring
which apparently then drives all cockroaches, rats etc away. The
pulse apparently tinkers with the workings of these animals sense of
direction amongh other things.
Has anybody tried one of these for chasing bees away?
This may be of relevance to the recurring bees and power pylons
Keep well
Garth Cambray           Camdini Apiaries
Grahamstown             Apis mellifera capensis
Eastern Cape Prov.
South Africa
Time = Honey
After careful consideration, I have decided that if I am ever a V.I.P
the I. may not stand for important.
(rather influential, ignorant, idiotic, intelectual, illadvised etc)