Dear Andy:
        The second swarm shouldn't be preoccupations motive.  It will not  remain
where it is.  At this time, explorers are seeking a place where to establish
the definitive wild beehive, and in little time will be gone.
        Would be perhaps a good idea, that  you give them  the refuge that they are
seeking, something which would permit you thereinafter to assign it to a box
standard and beguin a beehive.
        To give them that refuge, you do not need a beehive comercial type, but a
common refuge that it can be an invested booth, without floor, or a large
pul pot invested, to a certain height of the soil.
        Regards and luck
At 08:37 AM 07/04/1998 -0700, Armando G. Cuellar, Jr. wrote:
>Hello from Walnut Creek, California. I am new beekeer ( 5 hives) with a
>question, if anyone can help me.
>Two days ago, two of my hives swarmed.  I had a hive ready to go, so I
>captured one of the swarms in it and they seem to be doing all right.
>The second swarm collected itself in a ball on the ground in front of
>another one of my hives where it has remained until today. I do not have
>any more hive bodies, so I cannot capture this swarm.  My question is
>this: can I put this swarm in with the one that is already in a hive
>box?  I would hate to see these guys perish.  Please advise, if you have
>the time.
>Thanking you in advance,
>Andy Cuellar