On Sat, 4 Apr 1998 07:30:08 -0600 "Excerpts from BEE-L"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>From:          Bill Truesdell <[log in to unmask]>
>To:            [log in to unmask]
>I am only a hobby beekeeper but would love to see a good study of
>FGMO. There
>has not been one. Granted, it may work. Seems to by the posts on this
>but that means zero to me. There were similar testimonies on essential
>followed years later by disaster.
>I will try it on a hive that I can afford to lose. Since I have not
>lost one hive
>in the past two years and only one in the year when many were losing
>all their
>hives, and I did not use FGMO, I will stay the course with Apistan and
>My main concern is that we northerners are in a low period for varroa.
>All the
>hives that had mites died, so took the mite with them. As the mites
>rebound, and
>they will, we will see another winter like the one three years ago,
>but probably
>not for a couple of years. If those who use FGMO last through it with
>no losses,
>then it will have proven itself. Until then, ease off on those of us
>who do not
>follow the piper.
>Bill Truesdell
>Bath, ME
Hi Bill,
        All due respects, which piper are we talking about? I notice you
use Crisco patties, FGVO? Perhaps it is not Apistan that is doing all the
Varroa control for you? I have used them myself for a number of years.
Have found V(egitable) O(il) to do an exceptional job of control using
the drone comb sample method. Your right, time will tell. I think this
experimentation (as long as approved food chain substances are used) can
be very constructive.
        I suppose this post will open a can of worms, will hear all this
stuff about anything in excess is poisonous, to much broccoli can kill
Alden Marshall
B-Line Apiaries
Hudson, NH 03051
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