     Read yout post of March 27 and wanted to respond since we are not
too far apart geographically.  I currently run about 80 colonies in
south-central Pennsylvania. I used Apistan in late summer last year, kept
plain grease patties on over the winter, and have not treated with
anything this spring, so far. All my colonies are also super strong, to
the point where I'm afraid of swarming before queens arrive on 4/16 for
splits. I have seen no mites in the drone brood i have checked.  I think
two things are contributing to the strength of the colonies this year.
First, of course, is our great weather this winter along with a heavy
fall flow that left the hives with plenty of stores to get by on.
Secondly, I really believe that the mites are in a "down cycle" this year
because of resistance, natural cycles, the lack of feral colonies, you
name it.
     You didn't mention if you had any control colonies and how they made
out without the FGMO.   I.m just another grunt letting you know what
happened here.
Jerry B
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998 19:50:45 -0500 Bill Bartlett
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Last year I stated that I would be using FGMO and
>would come back later in the Spring with my
>results.  First let me say that I understand that
>what I write here is by no means an endorsement
>or recommendation for use.  As Andy N. puts it I
>am just a grunt beekeeper doing my things my way.
> After trying Strips, menthol, grease w/wo
>terramyacin, essential oils, and trying to do
>exactly as the directions stated, nothing so far
>had been really successful.
>Last Spring I used the Apistan strips and found
>that most mites (varroa) were gone.  I got the
>strips on early when the cluster was small.  Then
>I began reading the posts on FGMO by Dr.
>Rodriguez.  I applied as per directions to the
>top bars in a small string.  As most beekeepers
>know you just can't make it to all the out yards
>on a regular basis, so I will not try to attempt
>to tell the intervals that I was able get done.
>Once every two weeks is what I intended.
>Here in Southern Maryland, USA we had our first
>really warm day. 81F!  I did a deep inspection of
>all frames in six hives here at my home.  One
>hive is stronger than any hive I have ever had at
>this time of year.  It is also the hive where I
>found the most varroa mites, but never did I see
>more then one on a drone larva.  Four of the
>other hives are doing very good.  How do I guage
>this?  By the number of bees present and the
>amount of brood.  The last time I used FGMO was
>in mid October last year,
>so the mites have had a chance for a foot hold
>I had 15 hives going into the winter.  I have 14
>looking good now, after losing hives every year
>for the past 7or 8 years.  And I have my
>scientific guesses as to why I lost the one hive.
>Do I think we need more research? Yes.  Do we
>need to know how FGMO may effect the bees, wax,
>and honey? Yes.  Does it look like FGMO may have
>some promise?
>Yes.  If it is works, it will last until
>something better comes along or some thing else
>happens with the mites.
>There is alot more that I could write in much
>greater detail, but to say what I have will
>stimulate some more " Let me try this".  If there
>is enough anecdotal stories then that is fine.  I
>have 26 years with the bees but have never been
>much more then a hobbiest, but does give me some
>Your Grunt beekeeper
>billy bee
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