Re your post in bee-l
There are two types of mini polystyrene nucs in production
Apidea and Warnholz
Both are similarly constructed of polystyrene and contain 3& 4 mini
frames and a built in feeder.
The technique is
1. Assemble the mini nuc with a strip of foundation only, no comb, in
each frame. Fill the feeder compartment with candy.
2. Shake young bees into a box and spray them with sugar syrup.
3. Drop one large cupful of sticky wet bees into the mini nuc, close it
up making sure that the ventilation is clear.
4. leave for about an hour until the bees roar in panic, then run a
virgin queen in
5. Leave in a cool dark place for 2-3 Days
6. Release the bees at the chosen site.
7. Check in two weeks for signs of laying
Chris Mateer