Hi Fellow Beekeepers:
Well it looks like S Calif is going to have a great bee season.  With the
so called "El Nino" climate and its frequent rains, the early Blue Gum Euc
bloom has created ideal conditions for colony build up.  Some local
beekeepers cannot get the supers on fast enough!! :)
On Sunday, I caught my frist swarm of the season, a very large swarm from
one of my hives that landed 15 feet up in an oak tree.  After sawing the
branch off and lowering it gingerly with a rope, the swarm filled an entire
broon chamber.
With these great weather conditions, I am wondering of the AHB is going to
finally move northward from the Imperial Valley into the coastal regions of
S calif.
The future of beekeeping in California is going to get interesting!! :)
Paul Cronshaw DC
Hobby Beekeeper
Santa Barbara, CA USA