Dr. Pedro P. Rodriguez wrote:
 "Those of you who advocate for Federal Regulation of Honey products simply do not know what you are talking about. . .  .   In my opinion, Federal regulation of honey products would be catastrophic for the small operator, and very costly for large scale producers.  . . . ."I
The regulations will not affect honey producers who do not advertise their honey as organic.  Certification and inspection is only for products labeled as "organic."
And yes, I do know what I'm talking about, at least some of the time.  During the day I'm a lawyer for the State of Kansas, although the opinions I express are my own and not those of the agency I work at.  (Yes.  I'm one of those damned bureaucrats.)
I hit send too quickly in typing this message, and may have inadvertently sent a partially edited reply to the list.  Sorry.
Steve Phillips
Perry, KS