Thanks so much for your introduction.  A profile like the one you did of your
business is interesting and useful to me.  I'd be interested in seeing more
of other people in this group so we novices know who is talking and what
their background is.  For me, I have 3 hives in Kent, CT (90 miles north of
NYC.)  This is my 3rd year of beekeeping (not counting a couple of years with
my Dad 25 years ago) and we've done OK so far.  Dominick Gaeta in Brookfield,
CT is my equipment and information source.  Last year I got about 35 pounds
of honey from 2 hives, but this year we only got about 15lbs. from the 3
hives, so I was disappointed.  (Had 2 swarms in the spring.)  We're
medicated, wrapped, fed and ready for winter.
Dave Melton,  NYC & Kent, CT