On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 06:29:00 -0600 "Excerpts from BEE-L"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Reply-to:      Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
>From:          "MR WILLIAM L HUGHES JR." <[log in to unmask]>
        Interesting about bee flight and temp. Most temperatures referred
to in texts I believe refer to foraging temperatures. I have found that
putting extracted supers out for a period of time beginning at foraging
temps and continuing through the colder weather bees will fly in high 30
and low 40 deg F. temps. I have seen the lighter colored as well as the
darker races do this. I believe it is a combination of establishing a
known source of high energy food which is energy cost effective. The old
adage, is it worth the effort to undertake the task. Of course another
aspect is also
likely, bees probably learn well before it is to cold to fly that there
is no sources available in the area and what is the sense of looking
especially if is cold? Of course it is unlikely anyone knows what if any
thought processes occur in the bee, probably all instinct.
Alden Marshall
B-Line Apiaries
Hudson, NH 03051
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tel. 603-883-6764