I have a confession to make, and a question to ask.  the confession is;
I have neglected my bees for the last few weeks.  Now that I have gotten
that off my chest I'd like to ask for forgiveness and ask my question.
I haven't yet put Apistan on my hives, I want to but I'm wondering if it
is too late.  We had our first snow here last night (Salt Lake City
area).  I'm not so much worried about getting the strips in now, but I
understand you should remove the strips in 6 weeks, and I have been told
that by opening your hives in the winter you "break the cluster" and
they may not recover.  How bad would it be to just leave the strips in
until spring?  I have two hives.  Each has two hive bodies.  Do I put
one strip in each hive body or one per hive?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated?
Rett Thorpe
Salt Lake City, Utah
First Year, Two Hives