I have read your what ever and I have a few questions.
1.) Is the building you live in have a wooded frame, how about the
furniture you use?
2.) I do not think that you have heard of the US Constitution.  This
document would have to be destroyed for your one child per couple
3.) I guess people like you would have to set up a 1984 type
government to do this with yourself and others like you in the "inner
4.) Are you asking that out nation give up its sovernty that thousand
have died for?
5.)  Your movement sounds more like a Marxist movement to me, is it?
6.) At what time does "BIG BROTHER" start the "FINAL SOLUTION" to the
population that does not agree with you?
One last statement.  Over forty million people died less than fifty
years ago to stop a group like yours.  Their nice name was the
National Socialist Party.