Mr. Barrett,
You will receive several answers and that will be confusing.  Talk to
other Bee keepers.  Read, read, ask questions and ask another question.
Here in the United States we swear by "The Hive and the Honey Bee",
published by Dadant Publications.  Cost $30 US and has 1,324 pages.  A
weighty tome to be sure.  My answer to your question is, Yes & No.  And I
will wager that your bees have never read the books or had the same
experience your beekeeping friend has, they will do what they do. Bees
know naught of logic.  You will have to learn to keep bees in the manner
that is best for you.  In this section of the State of Georgia, USA, we
encourage new bee keepers to begin with two (2) hives,  you can judge one
hive against the other.  I apologize for being so long winded.
J C Peacock,  :-} B-Kpr, Grndad, RETIRED from 9 to 5.
6660 Imperial Dr., Morrow, GA 30260
jayseapcok@JUNO   early a.m. - late p.m.
Mesg. Mchine 770-968-4357, Somebody will hear it!
I am a winner;  can't win every time, but I will win enough.