I wanted to ask a question about positioning  the "dribbles" of mineral oil
that folks have been discussing.  I think I recall that people have been
putting a thin line of oil on the top bars of one of the two brood boxes.
 However, currently our hives have a super on the top.  Can we put the oil on
the top of that and not have to lift it off to get to the top brood chamber.
 Can we draw a line of oil on the bottom board at the entrance?  Could we put
the oil into a spray bottle and achieve the same ends.  It seems that as long
as it is somewhere where the bees walk back and forth over it then it would
work but I am not sure. We've not tried this before but are very interested.
 We just put in Apistan strips since we could visually see that our bees had
mites and want to protect against tracheal too.
Thanks for the advice.  Faith Andrews Bedford, Ivy VA and Tampa