G>From: Garth <[log in to unmask]>
 >Date:         Mon, 1 Sep 1997 12:50:07 GMT+0200
 >Subject:      Re: honey weights
G>Donald Aiken:
Two beekeepers will never agree to anything, but what about Honey
And that brings to mind another beekeeping fable..........
A large well known US honey packer passed on. He was very successful and
very wealthy and his later years was forever being asked by universities
to explain his personal success. He was always's quoted as saying that
he learned at a early age, he never finished high school, that he could
make it by buying honey, packing it, and selling it by adding 5%. All
knew that this was impossible as the shrink on honey is grater then that
but because of his success he was given many honorary degrees from the
most prestigious economic institutions and governments. (Harvard gave
him two.)
When he got to Heavens Gate a place that we all know has only a few
beekeepers but NO (0) honey packers because none have ever lived up to
the 10 Commandments. St. Peter was there directing traffic and motioned
for the Honey Packer to get on the going down cloud as there was a place
for him but not in Heaven because of his poor record on earth. Well the
Honey Packer was less then delighted and pulled out his copy of his
records and pleaded with St. Peter to audit them with him as he knew
that much of what was written down about him was collected from the
beekeepers he purchased honey from and honey packers he competed with
and he wanted a chance to correct the record.
St. Peter agreed and at once jumped into it with the Honey Packer and
asked if it was true the he made his fortunes by buying honey from
beekeepers and adding 5% and then selling it. The Honey Packer said it
was. St. Peter said he had asked around and could not find any academic,
not a single one who would say it was possible to buy honey and sell it
and only add 5% and even brake even. Beekeepers say that you must be
short weighing the honey by 5% when you buy it from them, other honey
packers say that you are adding 5% water, and retailers suspect that you
are adding 5% corn syrup. If any of this is true you can not get into
Heaven you know. The Honey Packers said he knew all that and he did none
of these things as his own method of doing business which he had
learned early in school worked well and he did not need to lie, steal,
and cheat like the other honey packers.
Sure enough St. Peter check the records for accuracy and the Honey
Packer was telling the truth and he was truly a righteous person and had
lived by the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule and he had earned not
only much wealth on earth but a place in Heaven.
(That's the part that makes this story a fable and I could stop here but
you all would think I too had cheated you.)
St. Peter, who had a Golden Doctorate in Business Economics, said
that he was still not satisfied and the Honey Packer would have to tell
him his secret in making a profit by adding only 5% to the honey he
The Honey Packer said OK. "I buy the honey and add 5%, I buy it for $1.
and sell it for $5 and this 5% formula has worked for me since high
school and I never have figured out why others don't use it."
(I guess there's a moral here but I won't waste anyone's time explaining
that not all Beekeepers or Honey Packers did that well in school and
today those who buy in US pounds and tons and sell in grams may have an
advantage because they fill more jars.<G>)
ttul, the OLd Drone
(Its only a fable)
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