Garth wrote about the world record? for honey production.  He quoted 240 kg in
Africa somewhere.
For the record I am not sure what the record is in Australia for a hive but
for averages I know that Tim Smith, one of the brothers who founded Capilano
in Australia, in the early 50,s had a year when he averaged over 10 tins per
hive.  A tin held 60 pounds.  So he averaged over 600 pounds per hive.  He and
his brother, Bert, were running 300 hives then.
I also know beekeepers in Australia who, over their whole operation of around
600 to 800 hives, have averaged a drum in a year.  A drum holds about 300 kgs
which would be 660 pounds.
So if the average is around 600 pounds, then there must be individual hives
that would be producing up to 800 pounds (my guess).  This would be necessary
to make up for those who do not produce the average.
Trevor Weatherhead