My 11 year old son and I are "urban" beekeepers, i.e., we have a beehive in a
corner of our backyard and our home is well within the city limits.  We have
had no problems with bee agression (our bees are a very gentle Italian strain).
Mark and I have not been stung yet.  Our dog did get stung when he swished his
tail too close to the hive entrance.  I do have epi-pens and benadryl on hand,
just to be on the safe side.  I mow right up to the front of the hive with no
problems.  I am careful to stay out of the field bees' flight path.  This is
our first year of beekeeping, and we have harvested 12 gallons of honey, which
I think is pretty good for beginners.  I encourage you to get a hive.  Your
kids would get alot out of it.  In fact, my son's interest in bees is why we
have a hive and he loves working the bees and extracting the honey.
I hope this helps!
Florence and Mark Cooper
Beginning Beekeepers in Jackson, MS
Subject: bees and kids
To: [log in to unmask]
Maybe some of you could help me.  I have a small orchard and a fairly
large garden.  I would like to have one bee hive in the back yard but I
have 5 small children from the ages 4-13 that play in the back yard.
You all are the experts. Many of you have had bees for a very long time.
 What would be your advice.  My nightmare is my kids and dogs will be
attacked.  If stung are their drugs I should have around the house that
I could give to the kids if they are allergic?   I am new to the list
and have enjoyed reading the posts.
Thanks, Rich