FYI* from a post to the sci.agriculture.beekeeping news group.
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Check this out to get an idea of what I am saying:
or if you support PDF reading then try:
In my humble opinion, IMHO...
If you go to this site you will find some very interesting information
on cell size and how it can and does effect the health of your
honeybees. This is good information and has been a long time in
coming, but..
The information in this news release attributed to Dr. Erickson, the
leader of the Tucson, Arizona ARS Bee Lab, and based on work done by him
and/or others at his lab. This information is now being picked up by the
farm press and news services and spread as the GOSPEL according to the
best of USDA Bee Research (BS) science.
Nothing wrong with this or the information except for one little small
The information contained is not the work product of, or the original
idea of anyone connected to the USDA, ARS, or USDA Beekeeping Research.
You would never know it by reading the information on this page or the
so called NEWS stories now making the rounds in the agricultural press
based on the USDA ARS News releases about Dr. Erickson and his work at
the Bee Lab in Tucson.
Copying or using someone else's idea's and work is a violation of
federal and world copyright laws and is a crime. This includes the
duplication of the ideas and work of others no matter what their
personal station in life. We all know that we beekeepers are not in the
same class as some of our public servants, such as the so called
Beekeeping Scientist (BS). I am sure that this USDA Research branch of
ARS will defend themselves by saying we did not write the PRESS release
or some such lamer excuse, but this won't wash as they do control the
information in their own press releases and web pages and the facts are
they did not even share the credit for the information contained in the
press release or on their web pages and that is clear to the public or
anyone who wants to read or visit them and/or read this official
government information.
You can be sure if this was information from the chemical industry they
would have been sure to have shared the credit..but then we all know the
close connection of the chemical industry to the so called bee research
industry in the ARS.
Who cares anyway?, well I am sure the beekeeper's involved who have
spent several generations working in their bees and first noticed and
brought it to the attention of those in the Beekeeping Industry and
Beekeeping Research at the USDA that the cell size of our foundation is
too large, and have themselves been using smaller sized foundations for
years, (something that could be adjusted by the foundation manufactures
in a few weeks), do care, if only because so many in both the beekeeping
industry and beekeeping research have turned a deaf ear to their ideas
and cries for help in the past only now to read that the USDA Bee
Research under Dr. Erickson have discovered what they have known, worked
with, written about and talked about for years...thats the work of those
who PLAGIARIZE or steal from the writing and work of others,
easy it would have been to say because of work and ideas from such and
such beekeepers in our area we have been able to duplicate and
replicate work that they are doing or have done in the past and found
out using the best scientific mythology that they were right all along,
Thank You, Mr. and Mrs. Beekeeper. On a cold day in Hell, maybe....!
                    ttul, the OLd Drone
(c) Permission is granted to freely copy this document
in any form, or to print for any use.
(w)Opinions are not necessarily facts. Use at own risk.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ ... The summer comes with flower and bee,--