On the topic of burr combb, I took over a hive with a lid bbuilt on
it such that a two centimeter space was above the frames.
At firs I houghtt this was a bad idea as the burr comb potential is
great. I appears however that the bees liked he added space and when
I put a flat top lid the ratte at which they filled the supers
decreased. I put the original lid back and they filled better again.
I made lids of the same design for the other hives and they also
increased productivity. The drift of this is that in my opinion the
mat is therefore a bad idea, as it would mimic the lid.
(that is assuming he ma goes above the super.)
Keep well
Garth Cambray       "Opinions expressed in this post may be those
15 Park Road         of Pritz, my cat, who knows a lot about
Grahamstown          catfood."
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South Africa               Phone 27-0461-311663
In general, generalisations are bad.
But don't worry BEEEEEE happy.