On Sun, 8 Jun 1997 23:11:55 -0400 [log in to unmask] writes:
>How do I get rid of a bumblebee hive in my garage without using
>Any organic way?
In response to Conrad's comment-they could in my garage
because it's a dirt floor :-). The Bumble Queens scout out my garage
regularly every spring.
As I have stated once before on the List, why do you want
to kill a Bumble Bee(s)? This business of us humans wanting
to kill everything simply because it is there is certainly not
a positive statement that supports our alleged belief that
we are a 'superior species' as some would have us all
believe. Long after we have done ourselevs in via
pollution, etc., guess who is going to have the last
laugh ? ..... the lowly cockroach ... who was here before us
and undoubtedly will be here long after the human species
is exticnct !
Bumbles are harmless! They don't bother anyone and you
have to go aways to get one to sting you! They go about their
business calmly and they will be gone in the Fall !
If you want to kill Bumbles simply because they are there,
what are you doing keeping HoneyBees? Because they
give you something in return? Actually they give you
nothing, you have to steal it.
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