Hi!  Everone...
I think that the mineral oil treatment is a great idea.  We have to start
to look for remedies from nature.  This treatment could be used on ferral
bees and would help
keep the mite from reinfesting our colonies.  At the same time the bees
could be developing their own resistance to the mites, and this would not
be an artificial medium
which when the drug is gone the mites are back in full force on bees that
are sick from both the mites and the drug.  I noticed that formic acid
really depressed my bees,
and they slowed down in brood production.  I took the pads off and the bees
seemed to
liven up, flying and multiplying faster.  This mineral oil will make the
mites sick, and
at the same time have no effect on the bees and they will carry on in
numbers and be stronger for it.  Idea.. more bees = more of a chance to
develope immunity.
This is just a thought I had, I am a novice.  Maybe we can brain storm on
Debie from Canada.