In article <[log in to unmask]>, Aaron Morris
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>This year's color for queen marking is indeed yellow.  The color scheme
>White  for years ending in 1 and 6,
>Yellow for years ending in 2 and 7,
>Red    for years ending in 3 and 8,
>Green  for years ending in 4 and 9 and
>Blue   for years ending in 5 and 0.
>There are two mnemonics to help in remembering this:
>"When You Requeen Get the Best!" or "What!? You Raise Green Bees!?"
>Personally I like the green bees, but I always try to get the best!
>Aaron Morris - thinking it's time to grow my own!
Or, there is always:
"Will You Raise Good Bees?".
Are there any more out there ?
Paul Walton
Email   : [log in to unmask]
Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.