JMDO>From: Jim Moore DTN276-9448 ogo1/e17 508-496-9448
    >Date:         Mon, 7 Apr 1997 15:00:14 EDT
    >Subject:      Another Africanized bee question
JMDO>        I have another question the the "Killer Bee" show has raised. I sh
    >a migratory beekeeper in Arizona (I can't recall his name) killing the que
    >an aggressive (Africanized?) hive and requeening, before leaving the area.
JMDO>        What is the standard practice of migratory beekeepers to cull out
    >Africanized bees when leaving Africanized areas for points west, north and
My experience is 2nd hand from a former family member who keeps bees
in an area of Arizona that has by USDA definition African Bees. He
finds them very useful as he reports they brood up earlier and heavier
then his own stock. He does say that if you don't divide them several
times they will swarm out. He reports that some of them are hotter to
handle then what he is used too, which is HOT compared to what most
beekeepers find in their own bees, and that they seem to fly faster then
his own stock.
As for bees from the regulated zone of Texas in the California almonds.
I did hear a good story from this spring of one almond grower who kept
the bees much longer then necessary and longer then the beekeeper
wanted. This grower has changed his mind as when it came time to
irrigate his trees the bees kept the irrigators out of the orchard.
So all is not bad about Afrikaner bees as I bet next year when the
beekeeper says it time to move the bees he will not get any static
from that grower.
                        ttul, the OLd Drone
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