I haven't had an opportunity to use RiteCell yet as it just came out this
year.  I gave up using Duragilt because of the bald plastic problem that
the bees will not fix.  I have settled on Permadent in honey supers for now
and the best price I have found is at Lapp Bee Supply.
For my brood chambers I have gone to wired pure beeswax foundation.  It is
more work but I am running a 5 year experiment to see if recycling old comb
really reduces problems as indicated by Brother Adam in almost all of his
books.  My goal is to recycle at least 20% of my comb a year.  I have some
hives which will retain their old, dark used comb as a control.  I render
the old comb and send it in for making new foundation.  This is the
cheapest way to get foundation according to my calculations.  Of course
time is not added in this calculation.
This is a hobby and I enjoy doing the work.  If I were running a business
my views would be different.  I have the time for the most part, I want to
save the money.  My 12 year old son also works with me.  He loves spending
the time with me and the labor is cheap although you have to settle for
lower quality of work.  The quality of the time spent together is
Ted Wout, 3rd year, 10 hives
Red Oak, TX