On Wed, 9 Apr 1997 10:06:31 +0100 Joel Govostes <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi Rett.
>One easy way to feed is to just take a mayonnaise (or gallon) glass
>jar, fill it with sugar water, poke a dozen or so small nail-tip holes
>the lid, cap it tight,.....
You can also use the 'baggie method'. Essentially all this amounts
to is put an empty half super over the hive...fill up a large plastic
zip-loc bag with your syrup and lay it flat across the top bars. Put
a couple of slits about two-three inches on each side of the top
side of the plastic baggie, push your finger down to let a little syrup
flow out and there you go. Check periodically to see when they need
a new baggie.....the zip-loc resealable freezer baggie works well
and fits just right. Of course you the put the inner lid and cover
back over the empty half (or use a full if you don't have a half size)
Al Needham--Scituate,MA,[log in to unmask]
Author Of "The HoneyBee"--An Educational Program
Visit "Learn About Honey Bees And Beekeeping"
At:  -  http://www.xensei.com/users/alwine