In a message dated 97-03-30 15:10:08 EST, you write:
<< >        I am sending two checks for the sum of $5.00 each. One for a
 >of commitiment as a fellow beekeeper, to assist Gary in his endevors as a
 >beekeeper.  The second check is to go towards a reward fund if one is set
 >up, to reward the informer whose information assists in the arrest of the
 >perportrator of this crime.  I recommend to all subscribers do the same and
 >shame on you if you don't. If there is no such fund set up then give that
 >2nd check to Gary also.  I am also sending a letter of inquiry to the
 >sherriffs dept as to how the investigation is progressing and suggest that
 >others do the same.  The squeeky wheel gets the oil.  All too often a case
 >like this gets shoved to the corner for other tasks.  Pressure by the
 >public can do miracles. >>
   The deputy that did the preliminary investigation said that a reward would
be premature, that it would be better to wait and see if they could make an
arrest without it.  He commented that Gary probably needed the money more
anyway.   If there is no arrest within a month, I am going to put up some
serious reward money, and additional from others would be much appreciated.
   The case has been assigned to an investigator, who apparently was off duty
last week, so we have no new information.  I agree that letters would let the
officers know how important this is:
Investigator Mike Lewis
Georgetown County Sheriff's Dept.
333 Cleland St.
Georgetown, SC    29440     USA
Telephone:    803-546-5102
BTW, contributions have been coming in, and I told Gary about this gesture.
 He is very appreciative.  I haven't opened them, but plan to do so to post a
tally here in a couple days.
   Gotta' run.  Got girls that want to run off and leave me (swarm).  We are
in a race now.  Some springs, it seems that all bees get the swarm urge in
unison, even weak colonies.  I think they must spread around a pheromone.
Areas with early flows make it hard to make honey, as they all want to hit
the trees as soon as the flow hits.  Many of the hives I gave second deeps
for additional brood only got two of three frames of brood before plugging
with honey.  I'll have to save that for feed, as they had strips and
terramycin on them.
   Looking at tupelo, which is hard to see, as blossoms are high, and my eyes
aren't as young as they were......  Most did not seem to have bloom or bee
activity, though I thought I saw a few bees in one.  Looking against a
brilliant sky makes my eyes water, so can't be sure.  Should invest in a good
pair of binoculars.  I think the tupelo flow is still a few days away.
 Blackberries are opening, and being heavily worked.
Dave Green