From:   [log in to unmask] (NW Mich Hort Res Station)
<<We are trying to locate a chart that indicates the number of recommended
beehives per acre for tree fruit.  Does one exist?  If so, could someone
please provide.>>
  Richard Norton, Cornell Fruit Specialist recommended, "two colonies per
acre on pears and one colony on other tree fruits."  This was in a
pollination short course for growers about 1980, when there were much more
abundant wild bees.  Most NY recommendations since have indicated two hives
per acre for Red Delicious.
  I'm sure Dr. Roger Morse of Cornell, was influential in that
recommendation.  You might try contacting him, or his successor Dr. Nick
For more info, including the bulk of the short course, see:
For info on evaluating the effectiveness of pollination see:
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green