On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Ivan McGill wrote:
> > The wires are spaced 12 inches from the ground for the first one then 12
> >inches above that for the ground wire then 12 inches above that with the
> >hot wire for the sardine cans. They go for the sardines first and then
> >they are history.
> >Best Regards
> >
> >Roy
> one question:
> How you anchor the corner posts?
 Hi Ivan,  The corner posts has a heavy wire like bailing wire attached to
the top with 3 or 4 bends in it, then down to a stake about 6 to 8 feet
outside of the fence. ( I split the 270 degrees that is outside of the 90
degree corner. I tighten them last.I have never had a bear get inside the
fence. The sardine trick gets them and as I read on in my mail , I see
that Allen Dick posted the same system. Sorry I jumped the gun Allen.
 Best Regards