On Sun, 16 Feb 1997 07:58:38 -0500 "Joel W. Govostes" <[log in to unmask]>
>>Vince Coppola wrote:
>>>snip>... A few
>>>years ago a beekeeper named Hoover wrote for Gleanings.
>Actually I think his name was Koover(?) -- Charles, perhaps?  I don't
>any of the Gleanings issues left around here.  As I recall, he wrote
>GLEANINGS column from California and later Hawaii.
        It was indeed Charles Koover. I met with this gentleman or a few
hours in his Honolulu apartment. He was quitew elderly at the time, don't
know if he is still living. He was unable to have an apiary at this stage
in his life. However he lived in the top story and kept a cople of hives
on the penthose area without the knowlegeof other tenants or the
landlord. I believe he carried the honey frames down a few at a time.
This was 10 or 15 years ago.
Alden Marshall
B-Line Apiaries
Hudson, NH 03051
[log in to unmask]
tel. 603-883-6764