Worker Bee wrote:
>I have catalogs from many suppliers. I buy from some for their shipping
>response. Brushey Mountain ships the same day. Walter Kelley's prices
>are better but they have slower shipping times.
I agree, this seems to be a standard among all suppliers, even outside
the realm of beekeeping.  Buy more and save.  Shipping time seems the
same amongst the suppliers I have ordered from.
>I compared prices and quality in the three catalogues and they are all
>in line. Some have items others don't, and for single items price may
>have a lot to do with it. Quality sure does and I find the quality from
>all three excellent.
There are others which you haven't mentioned.  I have found that
Western Bee pretty much beats everyone on woodenware prices.  Lapp Bee
Supply pretty much beats everyone on foundation and medications.  Their
woodenware prices are very competitive also.  If you're looking for a
great price on pierco frames call Glorybee.
>All in all it is like which gas station on discount mall to use.
I disagree.  The two suppliers I have just mentioned offer better
prices, almost across the board.  I'm on a tight budget so I spend some
extra time looking for the better prices.  These folks may not be the
biggest suppliers but they all seem to be good people who work with
you.  I haven't had a bad experience with a supplier yet.  I hope that
Ted Wout, 3rd year beekeeper, 8 hives, adding 4 this spring
Red Oak, TX