In message <[log in to unmask]>, Ted Fischer <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I believe, as does David
(and me)
>that the drone trapping method is a valid
>control for varroa.  However, it is extremely labor intensive, and,
>while probably ideal for the hobbyist with only a few colonies, would be
>impossible for the large commercial beekeeper and quite difficult for a
>sideliner such as myself (about 75 colonies).
Being a Brit I am probably barred from making any comment on commercial
beekeeping. I think the extra effort of Drone removal (forget Trap comb)
is overplayed. You have to be able to inspect your colonies every five
or six days though and that may certainly present a problem.
Dave Black
Blacks Bee Gardens,
Guildford, GU1 4RN.  UK.