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Wed January 8, 1997
Loss reports from beekeepers suggest as many as 40,000 hives of bees
in the Sacramento Valley were swept away by recent floods.
In the Central California, Modesto area, as may as 11,000 hives are
known to have been lost.
In the Merced area three beekeepers are said to have lost 6,000 hives.
Along with the loss of bees many almond orchards have been damaged and
will need several weeks with no rain before all the water drains off the
land and assessments can be made as to their condition. The trees were
mostly dormant with bloom expected in a few weeks.
Local flooding continues in the Sacramento delta area due to continue
high river flows and 100 year old levies.
                             ttul Andy-
As reports are received I will update.
(c) Permission is granted to freely copy this document
in any form, or to print for any use.
(w)Opinions are not necessarily facts. Use at own risk.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ "Where there are fruits & nuts, there are beekeepers"