In message <[log in to unmask]>,
"Carl H. Powell" <[log in to unmask]> writes
>whaen I put my hive together I
>painted it with HQ brand wood preservative. I was very careful to only paint
>the outside facings of the deep supers and honey super, the 3 outside facings
>of the bottom board, and the 4 outside and 4 bottom edge facings of the top
>cover. My friend is saying that my honey will be contaminated. Is this so?
Don't know what HQ brand is, but I do just what you do with some other
non-insecticidal wood preservative, as do many local bee-keepers. Some
even use creosote and let it air for a couple of months. I even know one
bee-keeper who puts a dash of creosote down the internal joints of the
hives - says it kills wax moths - and he's won top awards at the
National Honey Show. Just make sure they're well-aired before use.
Alyn W. Ashworth
Lancashire & North-West Bee-Keepers' Association. UK.
(but I don't speak on their bee-half)