In message <[log in to unmask]>, Glyn Davies
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Greetings Alyn,
>Buckfast Hives have white brood chambers, brown supers and pink roofs.
Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read!
>There is no point in coordinating treatment for Varroa.  We tried it in
>Devon (we're a few years ahead of you with varroa remember).
Yes - we expect the little bug***s any time now.
>1. Every beekeeper has a different time of convenience.
>2. In Devon and probably in Lancashire there are as many non-association
>members that are almost impossible to contact.
Too right, but we expect many non-members to be amongst the first to
give up once their colonies get zapped - is this your experience?
>I'm surprised you, nor anyone else so far, has made a comment about the
>illegal use of Klartan.
Sorry - ignorance to blame - was under the impression that Klartan might
be technically legal if imported personally from another country where
sale was permitted.
Alyn W. Ashworth
Lancashire & North-West Bee-Keepers' Association. UK.
(but I don't speak on their bee-half)