If I can keep bees inspite of being stung,varroa,thacheal mites,wax
moths, swarming, foulbrood, and etc.  Then sifting through the Bee L for
information and other beekeepers experiances is no problem.
    As a hobby beekeeper, 15 colonies and growing any information out there
can't help but improve my skills or at least furnish me with another question
to ponder when the inner cover comes off.
    Now the commercial operators with a few thousand hives might find the
information a bit hard to glean from the various posts but my bet says they
built their operations in the field and not at the computer monitor in the
first place.
    It is warm in Se CT today and the bees are out for cleansing flights. One
colony is a little late to start and if the weather stays warm I will look
beneath the cover to check their strength.
    I will leave the list when the list owner kicks me off and not before as
this is one of the better resources available to me.
    Thomas Cornick