Hi all,
   Any comments on configurations (Langstroth/Dadant) regarding location
of the beespace above/below the frames?  Some of my woodenware appears to
have the frame tops flush with the box tops (and the beespace below the
frames,) and others have the frames recessed below the box top (with the
beespace on top of the frames.)
   If I am not careful and intermix these, there is burr comb to pay, big
time!  This winter, I'm routing all them down to the same dims from the
top, so the space is topside.
   Anybody else notice this?  I think different manufacturers make 'em
Gerry and the other Visels at
[log in to unmask]
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
On Sun, 29 Dec 1996 21:33:16 -0500 Robert Watson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>On Sun, 29 Dec 1996, Doug Henry wrote:
>Standard dimensions are readily available.