Today, while "cleaning out" my mailbox after a hiatus of several days, I
found several interesting entries.  It is always intriguing to flip quickly
through the postings and see what the "hot" topic is and follow the trend.
All of a sudden, in the middle of the bee stuff, I found a query about BIRDS!
Then, there followed several responses to the bird query.  Shortly thereafter
someone requested these "bird people" to get off the bee line.
Where, I wondered, was all this coming from?  How did the bird people stumble
upon the bee line?  Then, a few more postings on down I came across a short,
simple posting, headed (in part) "How They Do IT Without `Doing It' ".  It
read,  "In other words, they do have occasional sexual reproductions."
The Mystery Is Solved!  Somewhere, along the line, we have been percieved as
 a group that is, in actuality, discussing that famous old topic "The Birds
and The Bees."  That explains why the "bird" people are now infiltration
`our' discussions. Having learned about the birds and the bees at about age
12 (and having put a bit of it to practice over the years) I, personally,
don't feel the need to discuss it again.  However, we may have some
youngsters on the line so, if we're becoming a birds AND bees group, well
This conclusions having been made and the mystery of what birds people are
doing in our postings solved, I must say that I am delighted to find a bit of
levity here.  It is a good holiday present.  Have a wonderful New Year,
y'all,  may your bees flourish and the birds seranade you with sweet songs.
Faith Andrews Bedford
Tampa and Ivy, VA