         ,-""""-.      `--.._ ,'   _..---.
        (        `.     ,_;""",-.-"       |    "toBEE a player you
         `-._      `.  (_ _) (_.'       ,/       must join a team"
             `-._    \ | ;-.____\ __..-'
              ,-/""-._\ \.____.-;"       ,_,_    the OLd Drone is
             ;-;_/-/ ),',. ,. `.  ______//,'_'    a member of the
             `-'   `'|= ||_||  |==""""".`--'~|-.
                  ___|= //"//  |      /   | | ,-\  AMERICAN BEEKEEPING
           ,---._="""_;=.   ,-'==__ _.--,.|| /   |  FEDERATION and
          ;--.   "/,',adP,adP`.  "/|  .-'\ |"--._|  invites you to join
          `,_ `-._|,dP ,dP ,dP \ '-|.',-''| \   /   the team.
             `--._|P  dP  dP  dP|  `'' `-|___\-'
                   \ dP  dP  dP `._,
                    `^b._Hb__Hb..-'   Please mention that the OLd Drone
                        `"""""'       recommended your membership in the
--                                    ABF via the internet highway.
brian odom (c)
ascii artist       THE BEE FEDERATION has been around since 1943!
The dues for a HOBBYIST are $25.00 and a good place to start.
They put out a NEWSLETTER, and have many programs that can save
you money such as credit and calling cards, the BEST ANNUAL MEETINGS,
Insurance plans and much more. They also take credit cards for due's
payment and the mail address is:
                        American Beekeeping Federation
                        P.O. Box 1038
                        Jesup, GA 31598-1038
                        ph. 912-427-4233 fax 912-427-8447
                        evenings & weekends 912-427-4018
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
This is a Cheep un adulterated advertisement and without doubt a
infringement of those good beekeepers who read this list. If you
would like to register a official complaint please call 1-900-U-BEN
HADD, ($5.50 MIN.)
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ ... When all candles bee out, all cats be gray.