I heard recently of a story which appeared in the UK press that British
Beekeeping had been awarded stlg12M by EEC for research into bee
disease, primarily Varroa.
If true, this is ideed good news and I would appreciate any
confirmation of the story or other relevant information.
Les Simms,
Editor, Dromore Buzzette.
     D R O M O R E  &  D I S T R I C T   B E E K E E P E R S
Estd. 1984 - World Cup Winners 1991-92 - Blue Ribbon Winners 1994
   Affiliated to the UBKA * Incorporating "Dromore Buzzette"
Chairman-Michael Young * Secretary-Bob Shaw * Treasurer-Les Simms
E-Mail: <[log in to unmask]> * Telephone: +44(0)1846-683512
S-Mail: 9 Governors Ridge Park, Hillsborough, Co.Down, BT26 6LD, UK